I’m trying to monitor processes with more than 90% usage, I have tried using command:
check_wmi_plus.pl -H i -u u -p p-m checkproc -s cpu -a % -exc _AvgCPU=@0:90 -w _ItemCount=2 -t 59
and this returns a warning like
WARNING (Sample Period 21 sec) – [Triggered by _ItemCount>2] – Found 3 Instance(s) of “%” running. CPU_Idle(PID=0)=100.0% CPU_sqlservr(PID=1360)=100.0% CPU__Total(PID=0)=100.0% |’Process Count’=3;2; ‘Avg Utilisation CPU_Idle’=100.0%; ‘Avg Utilisation CPU_sqlservr’=100.0%; ‘Avg Utilisation CPU__Total’=100.0%;
Checking windows processes no processes with more than 90% are seen, please anybody can give detail what is wrong in this command and get only when process is more 90%?