Configure WMI in Windows – from op5

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—- Start instructions
Add the user (s) in question to the Performance Monitor Users group.
Start > Run > wmimgmt.msc, WMI Control (right click) Properties. In the
Security tab, expand root and select CIMV2, click Security button (lower
right); (click) Add > Performance Monitor Users and enable the options:
Enable Account and Remote Enable, and Apply, OK.

Start > Run > dcomcnfg.exe
At Component Services > Computers > My Computer (right click, select
Properties) in the COM Security tab, click Edit Limits under Launch and
Activation Permissions. Add the Performance Monitor Users then check Remote
Launch, Remote Activation, OK, Apply, OK.

At Component Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config (double click)
select Windows Management Instrumentation (right click) select Properties,
under Launch and Activation Permissions (click Edit button). Add the
Performance Monitor Users an check Remote Launch and Remote Activation, OK,
Apply, OK.

Service check, authentication problems:
In some cases you must also enable rights for the Service Control Manager.
Get the SID of the user you are authenticating with. From a command prompt
replace with the username, run: wmic useraccount where name=” get sid
Using this command replace with the user SID, and at the command prompt run:
sc sdset SCMANAGER

Domain based environments, authentication problems:
Username should be: domain\\user
Escape special characters (like ? or !) in the password with “\” (no quotes)
In cases where you do not have permission to edit group policies, and NTLMv2
is the only authentication method allowed you may have to edit the specific
check_wmi check and append the following to force the use of NTMLv2:
–extrawmicarg “–option=client ntlmv2 auth=Yes”
—- End instructions